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Corsica amazes with its mixture of stones and delights, austerity and scents of distant island. Turning from sparkling blue shores to inland villages means navigating different worlds. Inspire… exhale … this is the maquis you feel, the deep Corsica! That of wild pigs and free-range cows, long winters where coppa, brocciu and chestnut flour are made.

Here is the list of destinations.

  • Velo_Corse_9_2e50a02a47
    • Corsica
    The Tour of southern Corsica by road bike: following a loop, starting and finishing at Ajaccio beach, you will cross the south of the Île de Beauté’ by road bike. You will cycle along the most beautiful roads and over legendary mountain passes (Cols).
    From 1395/person
    See the trip
  • Velo_Corse_2_e1c1216473
    • Corsica
    The Tour of Corsica by bike: from the beach of Bastia to that of Ajaccio, you cross over the entire ‘Ile de Beauté’, from west to east and north to south, on your road bike. You will cycle along the most beautiful roads and over legendary mountain passes (Cols), crossing through 2 Corsican departments en route.
    From 1510/person
    See the trip
  • Velo_Haute_Corse_3_d057a9a5c5
    • Corsica
    The Tour de Haute Corse by road bike: in loop from and towards the beach of Bastia, you cross the North of the island of Beauty by road bike. You take the most beautiful roads and pass passes of anthology.
    From 1495/person
    See the trip